

Results: 396 Articles found.
  • M.E.B.A. Telex Times for January 18, 2024

    In this issue//U.S. Vessels are Favorite Houthi Targets//M.E.B.A. is Named “Labor Heroes”//Reduced NOLA Hours, New Rep. Sought//Great Lakes Shipping Season Ends, Winter Work Begins//New Class of MSC Medical Ships Named//Attempt to Extend Janus Ruling in Last Frontier Batted Back//AMC Rewarding Shutterbugs//​

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  • 2021 Issue 1

    In this issue//Continued Reopener Talks with Interlake//Alabama Miners Looking for a Fair Deal//Union President Slams Amazon Worker Conditions//4MF Event a Success//Ships to Sound Off for ‘Day of Seafarer’//AMMV Convention Set for Late September//Paris MOU Ranks Flag States//Members Should Check Docs & Member Notices Site//

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  • M.E.B.A. Telex Times for July 22, 2021

    In this issue//Successful Paper Breakout//USA Maritime Urges Reversal of Cargo Preference Cuts//First Ship in Newbuild MSC Oiler Fleet Christened//Canada May Lift Cruise Ban in November//NMC Email Renewals Working Well//OMSA Vessel Patrolling Jones Act Violations//Labor Drums Up PRO Act Support//NLRB Okays Scabby the Rat//Connectivity Key for Mariner Needs of Tomorrow//

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  • M.E.B.A. Telex Times for November 29, 2018

    In this issue//MarAd Boss Delivers NMS Progress Report to House Subcommittee//Members Encouraged to Attend December Meetings//Dues Must Be Current for Referendum Votes to Count//Group Shipping Card, Applicant & Membership Book Pickup List at Halls//Lakes Companies Enthused by Plan for New Soo Locks//CG Reauthorization Bill Set for Signature//Shipping Publication Fairplay Ends 135 Year Run//Update Your Contact Info/Vacation Benefits – Year-End Closing//

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  • M.E.B.A. Telex Times for May 3, 2018

    In this issue//LIBERTY PEACE Turnover: Continue Sending Résumés//Interlake to Operate Hopper Barge//New Book Details EL FARO Tragedy//AFL-CIO Report - On-the-Job Worker Deaths//Audio Chat: MMC Medical Cert. Changes//Snug Harbor Mariner Assistance//4MF Raffle Tickets//Bring Shot Records Onboard//M.E.B.A. Portal Helps Iron-Out LWOP-Vacation Dues Lapses//

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  • M.E.B.A. Telex Times for April 5, 2018

    In this issue//Battle for FY ’19 MSP Funding Gets Early Support//Rank & File Sought for Upcoming Contract Talks//Financial Review Committee Elected//M.E.B.A. Briefs Brass at SOUTHCOM Session//New Matson Ship Begins Construction//Saudi Tanker Attacked near Bab al-Mandeb//Main Propulsion Lube Oil System Lessons from EL FARO//Great Lakes Shipping Resumes//

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  • M.E.B.A. Telex Times for October 12, 2017

    In this issue//Fight for the Jones Act//TTD Jones Act Statement//CMES 2018 Course Schedule Released//Labor 411 Halloween List//Marine Officer Advertising//

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  • M.E.B.A. Telex Times for May 18, 2017

    In this issue//Clean Running Matson Ships in Last Frontier//ICS Pushes for CO2 Reductions//WWII Mariner Compensation Bill, Mathews Men Book Highlighted at DC Event//Ransomware Advisory//Billions in Funding Needed for Freight Network//Somali Piracy on a Knife-Edge//Snug Harbor Assisting Mariners//

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  • M.E.B.A. Telex Times for April 27, 2017

    In this issue//Successful Organizing: M.E.B.A. to Represent WSF Port Engineers//Payday for Magic Pipe Whistleblower//Acosta Confirmed at DOL//Fleet Photos Needed//Qualified Assessor Classes//Somali Pirates are Active Again//AFL-CIO: 150 Workers Die Every Day// Reminder when Applying for Vacation Pay//​

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  • M.E.B.A. Telex Times for April 20, 2017

    In this issue//Ex-Im Bank Nominees//FRC Wraps-Up, Forwards Report//AFL-CIO Weighs in on Buy American Order//CMES 3-Day Qualified Assessor Classes//Participants Sought for M.E.B.A. Inland Meeting//Vaping Banned on MSC Ships//50-50 Raffle, Auction Donations Sought//Labor-Friendly Spring Cleaning//President to Speak at CG Commencement//Workers’ Memorial Day Upcoming//

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  • M.E.B.A. Telex Times for March 16, 2017

    In this issue//Budget Blueprint Released//TTD Executive Committee Meeting//National M.E.B.A. Convention on Monday//Upcoming AMMV Conference//Expiration of Special Early Returns//Teddy Gleason Day Tomorrow//Reminder for Govt. Fleet on VPDSD//

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  • M.E.B.A. Telex Times for February 2, 2017

    In this issue//Chao Confirmed//Praise for CBP Jones Act Proposal//OCEAN GIANT at the Bottom of the World//Continued MMC Processing Delays//Federal “Right-to-Work” (for Less) Bill//Training Database Needs Your Expiration Dates//

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  • M.E.B.A. Telex Times for January 26, 2017

    In this issue//Training Plan Needs Member MMC Expiration Dates//LIBERTY PASSION Underway with M.E.B.A. Deck & Engine Officers//New Dispatcher/Rep. in Tampa//Final Voyage: Mike Ribera//CMES One-Week Internship Programs//CBP Fast Lane Program May Restrict Shore Leave//TTD Reaches Out to New Administration//Labor Praises TPP Withdrawal; Trump Meeting//Right-to-Work (for Less) News//Chao Nomination Advances//​

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  • M.E.B.A. Telex Times for January 19, 2017

    In this issue//Deck & Engine Jobs aboard New Liberty MSP Vessel//SEACOR Ratification Vote//ALLIANCE ST. LOUIS Crew Unharmed after Blaze//Oakland Patrolman, NOLA Rep. Dispatcher Appointed//New Look M.E.B.A. Website//Jaenichen Lands at HMS Global Maritime//Union Plus Scholarships//Piracy Downturn in 2016 but Kidnappings Rose//

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  • M.E.B.A. Telex Times for January 12, 2017

    In this issue//Special Meeting at Union Halls Tomorrow//Chao Confirmation Hearing//DOT Authorizes Resumption of USMMA Sea Year//Nautilus Support Network to Protect Mariners//WWII Mariner Compensation Bill Introduced//Union Plus Scholarships//Snug Harbor Assists Mariners//

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  • M.E.B.A. Telex Times for January 5, 2017

    In this issue//Re-Opener with NCL//New Alternate Training Location Procedures//Note on CMES BST Refresher Course//OCEAN GIANT Sails for Operation Deep Freeze//WSF Passenger Fined for Laser Strike & New Incident//Union Plus Scholarships//Oakland, N.O. Rep. Positions//

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Results: 396 Articles found.